Modern Desk Setup with Notes and Books
A stylish desk setup featuring a book and a notebook lying side by side. A smartphone rests on the table next to them. This modern workstation is well-organized with a sleek design, perfect for productivity and creativity. The notebook is open, displaying handwritten notes and sketches. The book seems to be a reference guide or a novel, adding a touch of intellectual ambiance to the workspace. The cell phone on the table is sleek and modern, suggesting a blend of digital and analog tools for work or study. This image captures a contemporary work environment, ideal for students, writers, or professionals seeking inspiration. license free image. The Category Schreibtisch is well-incorporated into the composition, emphasizing the theme of productivity and organization. The combination of notes, books, and technology creates a harmonious balance in this workspace. Free image.
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- License: Royalty-free (RF) according to our License Terms
- Author: Picsagon
- Date Created: 1970-08-23
- Downloads: 100 Share This Image Link