Vibrant Pink Roses Bouquet on Black Background

A beautiful bouquet of pink roses with green leaves stands against a striking black background. The vibrant pink petals are delicately arranged around a bright yellow center, adding a pop of color to the image. Each rose showcases intricate details, making them look fresh and full of life. The green leaves provide a lovely contrast to the pink flowers, creating a visually appealing composition. This license-free image captures the elegance and beauty of flowers, specifically roses, making it a perfect addition to any floral-themed project or design. The yellow center of each rose adds a touch of warmth and charm to the overall bouquet, enhancing its natural beauty. This image of a bouquet of pink roses is a stunning representation of nature's beauty, bringing a sense of joy and serenity. Experience the timeless allure of roses with this captivating and enchanting image, ideal for various creative purposes. Enjoy this license-free image of a breathtaking floral arrangement that exudes grace and sophistication.
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- License: Royalty-free (RF) according to our License Terms
- Author: Picsagon
- Date Created: 1970-08-23
- Downloads: 97 Share This Image Link